Thursday, August 21, 2008

Flow or Flight

Posted by Neal Minosa at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Blogging is more onerous than I imagined. I had the notion that all I could do is babble away like a child who just learned to vocalize. An apt simile, but I want to do more than just ramble. Thus the conundrum : to let the words flow like wellspring seduced by gravity or let them take flight like a rocket reaching escape velocity?

First day of blogging and I'm already having a blogstipation! I'm not gonna bleg though lest I lose the very essence of self-expression. As a guiding principle of blogging like my header says, I'm going to follow my heart and be honest with my emotions, free my mind and open myself to all nuances of truth, feed my soul and be all I can be, and feast on life and savor what is and what is now.

Whether it's flow or flight, I've got gravity to keep me in check.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The New New World

Posted by Neal Minosa at 12:05 PM 0 comments
World, here I am!